
Thanks for visiting! I designed all of the scrolls, banners, and decorative elements for this site using Adobe Illustrator CS4 and Inkscape, along with Adobe Photoshop CS4 for image sizing, layering, and web optimization. For the "light box" presentation of my work, I use Christophe Beyls' Slimbox 2—a leaner, faster, and more compatible alternative to the ubiquitous Lightbox script. Most of the images of my work are around 600 pixels high, but I'm happy to supply larger versions upon request:

On the front page of this website, the letter forms for "GRAPHIC ART, CREATIVE NOTIONS" are my own design, inspired by several faces from 19th century type specimen books. Other fonts include: Century 731, originally designed by C. H. Griffith and digitized at Bitstream; Quorum Black, an ITC typeface designed by Ray Baker; Copperplate Gothic 33BC, designed by the inestimable Frederic Goudy for ATF; and lastly, the section titles are set in a generic Copperplate Gothic. The corresponding elements on subsequent page menus use the same fonts.

The paragraph text throughout the site is set in the ever-reliable Georgia font face, designed by Matthew Carter. Headings throughout the site are set in the GUST e-foundry's TeX Gyre Schola font face, which claims ancestry from a number of designers. I found it among the great selection of free, web-ready fonts available at FontSquirrel.

A Few Words About Internet Explorer

I've tried to maximize this website's functionality for all the popular internet browsers; still, it remains an unhappy but undeniable fact that Internet Explorer is not like other browsers. It is unapologetically sub-standard (yes, even the latest version). It is riddled with bugs, unstable patches, and security vulnerabilities. And it makes the internet look terrible.

If you're reading this in any version of Internet Explorer, do yourself a favor and switch to a real, grown-up internet browser. I use Chrome and Firefox, because I like the selection of add-on software available for free.

In the meantime, if you came directly to this note from the front page, use your browser's Back button, or scroll up to the menu at the top of this page. Even if the words aren't highlighted when you hover the cursor over them (especially in IE 6), most of them are "clickable" links; clicking on the word "ILLUSTRATION" will take you, logically, to the page about my illustration work, clicking on my name at the top will take you to the page about me, etc.